Monday, March 29, 2010

"Go and Tell"

Very early in the morning, on the first day of the week, several of the women went to the tomb to anoint Jesus Crucified body but they were greeted by an Angel with a surprising and exciting message, “He is not here. He is Risen! Go and tell the disciples the disciples and Peter that he will meet them in Galilee.”

How many times have you been the bearer of a “Go and tell” message? Who did you go and tell when you met your first love? And do you remember when he proposed? Who did you go and tell? And then there is the birth of your first child, her first steps, first words, first day of school, first report card and the list goes on and go and on. “Go and Tell.”

People have invested and made millions of dollars in the “Go and Tell” industry. From the Pony express to UPS, from newspapers to magazines, radio to television and now the seemingly unlimited tools of the internet, moguls and ordinary citizens spend much of their day in the mode of “Go and Tell.” Some even have the reputation “If you want to spread the word go tell ___________ and everybody will know by the end of the day.” Right?

Much of what we “Go and Tell” is exciting for a while, interesting for a moment or juicy for a day. Some messages are informative, some out of duty, others as a personal means of relieving stress and some out of a sense of pride. Whatever the content of our “Go and Tell” message, it is often delivered with a personal, selfish motive. Face, it most human beings can’t bear keeping what we know or what we have experienced to ourselves.

“Go and tell the disciples and Peter.” God knew the simplest and most effective means to communicate to the world the extent of his love made known through Jesus was “Go and Tell.” You don’t need to take a class or attend a seminar on evangelism, just “Go and Tell”. You don’t have to have some earth shattering testimony, just “Go and Tell.” You don’t have to be a gifted communicator, just “Go and tell.”

This week, “Go and Tell’ the person who works in your office, the neighbor who just moved in, the family member who relocated to the area. “Go and Tell” the cashier who always looks sad, the table server who seems preoccupied, the mechanic who is always seems tired and weary. “Go and Tell” someone this week that God has changed your life, given you hope, made life seem more manageable, made a difference in your outlook . “Go and Tell” someone about the Easter services at your church and invite them to join you.

“But Pastor, I don’t know what to say.” Sure you do. Imitate the “Go and Tell” style of the disciple Jesus loved…..”The life appeared. We have seen it. He who was with the Father has appeared to us. We tell you what we have seen and what we have heard so that you might have fellowship with us.” I John 1:2-3.

He has Risen church! He has Risen indeed! Go and Tel! Go and Tell! Go and Tell!

I look forward to seeing you and meeting those you told and invited this Easter weekend.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Mather Owen is 80 Years Old!

Mather Owen had his 80th birthday on Sunday March 7th, 2010. Mather is an ordained United Methodist minister and a licensed counselor and therapist. He retired after 30 years of service as a Chaplain in the State of Texas hospital system in Gatesville, Austin, Wichita Falls and Vernon.

Mather is 80. He has served on our Church staff since 1994 as the resident counselor and therapist, working 20-30 hours a week. He receives no financial remuneration from the church or his clients. The number of people who have been helped by Mather is mind boggling. God has used him to bring healing and hope to thousands of people in our community and beyond.

Mather is 80. He serves on the DFW Alzheimer’s Association board, works as a consultant for the Huguley Supervised Ministry and Chaplaincy program, and is affiliated with the Tarrant County AIDS outreach ministries.

Mather is 80. He reads every day keeping current on those topics that enhance his counseling skills. Mather tinkers in his shop, bakes bread, exercises, cuts down trees, put up his own Christmas lights, fells dead trees like an East Texas lumberjack and plants a garden every spring. He drives a beat up 1986 red Chevy Pick Up that runs because of Mather’s tender loving care and mechanic skills.

Mather is 80. He sings in the choir, serves on the Staff Development team, attends weekly staff meetings, preaches and helps in worship as needed and is a program resource for staff at a moment’s notice.

Mather is 80. He is till courting his wife Jane after 56 years. His four children and their spouses and ten grandchildren call upon him to repair cars and household items, and provide emergency transportation, produce from his garden and bread from his and Jane’s kitchen. Mather travels far and near attending ballgames, concerts, pageants and graduations of his grandchildren.

Mather is 80. He likes taking long walks with his Wife, rising early to cook a good breakfast after reading Gods word, staying up late to watch old Westerns and telling funny stories and corny jokes.

Mather is 80. Though it may sound like it, Mather is not perfect. He is the first to admit he is a broken, sinful man in need of a Savior and Lord. He is not a perfect husband, a perfect father, a perfect grandfather, a perfect counselor or a perfect friend. He has flaws, weaknesses and blind spots.

Mather is not perfect, but he has been and is the perfect man, example, helper, friend and dad to me.

Happy Birthday Dad.

Keep Living Life Strong!

I love you….. Rick

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Staff Changes

The Call of God is a mysterious and powerful directive. It comes when we least expect it asking us to go places we never dreamed and attempting things we never imagined. Though the call to serve God is a life time endeavor the scope and nature of that call can change through the seasons of life. Three of St. Matthew’s most trusted and valued paid staff have sensed God ‘s leading and blessing to adjust their role in the fulfillment of our mission. All three desire to remain tethered to the body called St. Matthew and will continue serving in various ways.

Mark Justice began an extended leave of absence from his position as 9:40 worship leader effective February 1st. Frequent out of state business travel has caused Mark to be unavailable on Sunday mornings on a consistent basis and he felt it best to step back until this season of travel subsides. Mark has done a great job leading us into the presence of God and we are grateful for all of his excellent work. I trust we will again hear his gifted voice among the worshipping throng.

Chris Bohon is conducting tryouts for contemporary vocalists and musicians. Please email him at if you are interested. As we continue to grow and add more services there will be an ongoing need for additional band members.

Charlene Smith transitioned into an unpaid lay staff position effective March 1st. Charlene will continue to work with traditional worship ensembles and playing the piano and organ as needed. This will allow her more flexibility for her ever changing busy life. She is a full time employee in the TCU music department and the demands are many. Charlene has been a valuable paid staff person for 11 ½ years , serving as an accompanist and director of the choir. Thank you Charlene! We love you and look forward to seeing what God will do in and through you next.

Kristen Walker will step back from her duties as Children’s Minister effective April 4th. Kristen will begin a substitute teaching position at a local elementary school soon there after. Six years ago we ventured out to hire out first full time Children’s Minister, after much prayer, God led Kristen into our lives. Since that time she and husband Will have added two more offspring into their fold for a total of five children. Family demands and the completion of one leg of her theological education, Master of Arts in Christian Service degree, have led to her decision. You will still see Kristen and her family in worship week after week and serving in the life of the church as a whole. Those who worship Saturday at 6:00 or Sunday 9:40 will continue to be blessed my Will’s vocal leadership.

There will be no immediate job posting for the Children’s Ministry position. We are prayerfully considering reorganization of the ministry structure.

Please pray for and thank these excellent servants when you see them. We have been blessed by their service and I feel honored to call each of them friend and ministry partner.

Live Life Strong,
