Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Basking In the Glow and Praying Expectantly

     Even as I prepare for Easter weekend I am basking in the glow of Palm Sunday weekend. 

12 brand new adult believers  came forward to be drenched in the waters of baptism.

Over 600 worshippers showed up to circle our two worship spaces  and children's areas to pray for for an outpouring of God's spirit upon all area places of worship for Easter Weekend.

And then there was the Easter Egg Hunt Extravaganza. I love this event because my only responsibility is to show up and watch God work and there was much to see last Sunday afternoon! Scores of willing servants hosted local communities for two hours of fun, all in the name of Jesus, and a great time was had by all. After the last egg had been found and grounds cleaned up, close to a hundred servants stayed for Easter training and drama rehearsal not leaving until after 8:00 PM.

God was glorified in many excellent ways last weekend. Thank you church family! You are an amazing people.

Soon we will gather in homes for Communion, walk through the Journey to the Cross , assemble for Good Friday Worship and then it will be time to shout “He is Risen!” on Easter weekend. I can hardly wait!

I have been praying expectantly each morning for the guests you are inviting to Easter worship. God has convinced me that the Easter message should be especially directed to your unchurched family and friends. Please take advantage of this rare opportunity. Your family and friends are waiting for an invitation. Most of them, even the reluctant and the doubters, want to be invited. People like being invited even they cannot or will not attend because everyone desires to be wanted. Everyone likes to be included.

In fact, that is why God sent his son into the world, to invite us into a relationship with himself through the Resurrected Christ and include us in what he is doing throughout the world. Invite. Invite. And invite some more.

I am eager to shout with each of you and your guests this weekend  ”He Is Risen!”

I am praying for you. Please pray for me



Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Grace Place

“I was told I couldn’t attend worship if I was wearing a belly ring.” “No one ever spoke to me so I thought, why bother.” “The messages were boring and irrelevant.” “I was pregnant, not married, told it would look better if I attended worship with a man so I didn’t look like a ‘XXXXX.’” “I was told belly rings not allowed.” “I felt judged.” “I don’t need to attend church to be close to God.” “Why would intelligent people buy into a mythological god in order to avoid a mythological place called hell for a mythological place called heaven? It is all nonsense.” “Hypocrites! When obese people stop judging homosexuals and examine their own sin I might return to church. Of course that will be when hell freezes over. So…..”

These are just a sampling of the 100 plus responses I received from the face book survey many of you helped me employ. Many of the responses reflect the bias or issues of the individual but I am sad to say many of them are a true reflection of The Church. We are going to learn about what the cross, The Crux, has to say about grace this weekend. I look forward to sharing what God is teaching me in hopes more and more we can be thought of as a grace place.

To that end, please remember the Holy Call to Action. This weekend you will receive a card to help your Easter invitations. A digital version will be posted on the website by Monday, March 18th. We will also send you a link in an ENews letter shortly thereafter.

It is not too late to begin to visiting with those you want to invite, even praying for them by name in your personal prayer time. Remember to reserve Sunday, March 24th, 12:15 – 12:45 PM to be at the church for a minimum 500 people prayer circle. Then come back that same day for the Easter Egg Hunt. Let’s start off Holy Week worshipping, praying and serving the community.

I am praying for you. Please pray for me.



Holy Week Call to Action

1) March 24, Palm Sunday, 12:15 Prayer Circle

2) Holy Thursday (March 28) Communion, in homes

3) Good Friday and Journey to the Cross (March 29)

4) Commit to Baptism and or Church Membership

5) Invite people to the Easter Party, March 30-31

6) Serve and Attend Easter Saturday Night Worship