Our landscape is changing as we move into the future, but
the essence of who we are and what we are about remains rock solid. “On Christ the solid rock I stand”
We are NOT changing:
Our mission and purpose, glorifying God, reaching
the lost and making disciples
Our DNA and Core Values
Our Denominational Affiliation
Our commitment to both traditional and
contemporary worship
Our commitment to Small Groups, Family Ministry
and equipping the body to
Provide pastoral care to each other
Our commitment to be a Recovery Community
Our commitment to be “user friendly” to
surrounding communities and organizations.
Our vision to be a regional and teaching church
Our vision to birth satellite churches
Our vision to develop our entire 14 acre campus
We ARE changing and improving:
Our facility by expanding our Children’s Area
and Foyer Space.
Our facility by adding defined information, sign
up and children check in stations, a coffee bar, two gathering areas, a
baptistery, covered drive through, and office space.
Our facility by upgrading the ARC bathrooms
Our exterior and interior signage.
Our website and social media presence.
Our commitment to training and developing paid
and lay servants
Our vision for future staff openings.
Our Brand and Name presence.
Any organization or person who lives in the past will not
exist in the future. Any organization or person who compromises their core
values or who they are will eventually crumble.
But any organization or person, who stays true to their DNA, purpose and
values while creatively adapting to an ever changing culture will thrive and be
relevant for generations to come.
We are planning on being in our New Facility before Easter
2015. Between now and then leadership
will be feverishly working to create a transition plan so we are ready to move
in and function at a high level from the beginning. We will also be continually tweaking and
modifying our current signage and parking to minimize construction disruption. We sincerely appreciate your patience and
positive attitude in the midst of so much change.
Your Rebranding Team and Session have been fully engaged in
the process of prayer and discernment as we move closer and closer to a new
name. Please continue to pray for these
two groups. I suspect we will have more
to share by the end of the summer. We
will soon be developing a plan to execute the rebranding of our new name to our
own church body and the community at large.
Stay tuned.
Yes, much is changing but much is staying the same,
especially “on Christ the solid rock I stand.” Let’s stand firm together, arm
to arm, hand to hand as we move towards God’s preferred future for our local
church body.
Connecting Generations,