I have
been practicing James 1:19 “Everyone should be quick to listen and slow to
speak” ever since the Supreme Court ruling to redefine marriage. I have spent
much time in scripture, prayer, reading and listening to your varied thoughts
and feelings on this sensitive and volatile issue.
Here is my response.

I believe
it is an oversimplification to say that Christians, or evangelicals, are simply
against same sex marriage. We are not to be an advocate for any behavior or
lifestyle that is against God’s plan and restrains people from everlasting joy
in God. Same sex marriage, is just getting all the press because, at this cultural
moment, it’s the main non God approved life practice that is being endorsed in
our society by the powers that be.
Some would
like to see this whole issue of homosexuality and same sex marriage divided
into two camps: those who celebrate it and those who hate it. Both of these
groups exist in our society. There are growing numbers, under great societal
pressure, who praise same sex marriage. For conversation purposes, we call them
the left. And there are people who hate homosexuality and same sex marriage,
with the most bigoted rationale and apart from any Christian concern. We call
them the right.
current debate is plagued by this binary lens, the left and the right. Those on
the left try to lump everyone who disagrees with them into that right side. “If you don’t support, you
hate.” Meanwhile, those on the right see compromise and
spinelessness in anyone who doesn’t get red-faced and militant. “If you don’t hate, you
But Jesus
Followers, true disciples, will walk neither path. We have something to say
that no one else is saying, or can say.
ourselves from both the left and the right, we don’t celebrate same sex
marriage. We
acknowledge according to both the written and Living Word that God’s plan for humanity
is one man and one woman equally yoked in Christ for life. But neither do we hate those who
embrace homosexuality or same sex marriage. We
love them enough to not just collapse under the societal pressure.
We speak the truth in love into this confusion, saying, simultaneously, “Same
sex marriage is not God’s plan” and “I love you.” We’re not the left and we’re
not the right. We speak good news, with those sweetest, deepest, most glorious
words of the cross, the same words that God spoke to ALL of us … “I do not
condone your lifestyle behaviors and I love you.”
God tells
us we are all sinners, heterosexual and homosexual, and that the wages of sin
is death. (Romans 3:23; Galatians 3:13) God
also tells us we’re loved, that even while we were sinners, Jesus died for us. That
while we were unrighteous, Jesus died on the cross for our sins. (Romans 5:8; I
Peter 3:18; Ephesians 2:1-7)
That’s the unique voice of the Christian. I saw this quote on someone’s face book page and thought it nailed our current condition. “We (not just they) are far worse than we ever imagined, and far more loved than we could ever dream.”

I am praying
for you. Please pray for me as together we lovingly navigate through this ever
changing cultural landscape while striving to stay true to Jesus and the
Jesus is