Friday, September 12, 2014

A Brand New Name: Pathway Church

The bigger the plane the longer the runway needed to get the flying machine airborne. 
After several years of discussion and prayer, your session unanimously voted in their December 2011 meeting to proceed with rebranding and renaming our beloved church so as to maximize our efforts to connect with the un-churched and de-churched. Six months later a rebranding team was called out from the body to create and execute a process that would present 3 -5 names to your session. The Rebranding Team consisted of Jeff Ogden (chair) Arlen Fuhlendorf (founding member), Liz Mitchell, Lana Horadam, Bill Whatley, Cheyenne Davis, Nedra Lamar and Josh Fortney.
The Team spent much time in prayer and scripture, seeking counsel from a marketing firm and inviting the congregation to submit their own name ideas. The team submitted regular reports to the session and finally in June of this year, presented 5 names for consideration. Your session spent much time praying individually and collectively before voting at our July stated meeting and unanimously agreeing on “Pathway Church.”
Since we are and will remain Cumberland Presbyterian, we presented the new name to the Board of Missions of Red River presbytery for approval in August. They enthusiastically concurred in the recommendation and will present to Presbytery in October for final approval. 
1318 people showed up to worship God and celebrate “The Reveal” last weekend. God received a standing ovation by a packed house Saturday Night when the name and logo was made known.  Simultaneously a rainbow appeared over our property signifying to all who witnessed God was in approval as well.

The plan is to pull back the throttle on the metaphorical airplane called “Pathway Church” between November 23 -29 and soar into the promise of God’s preferred future. Please continue to pray as we pick up speed these last 10 weeks of transitioning into our new name. We will keep you posted as the plan transition plan unfolds.

“Thank you God for all you done in and through us while flying under the banner St. Matthew and we look forward to the future as we follow in the Way of your Son and the Path laid before us. Father, may you, your Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all that we do. In Jesus name, amen.”

Connecting Generations,

Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:06