Thursday, October 28, 2010

Night Time Prayers

2:00 AM Okay God, I’m up and yes the burning in my spirit continues. Millions of people are sleep walking in a catatonic trance with messed up lives and they need Jesus. Some have isolated themselves from community to deal with their private pain. Others are oblivious to the ache in their soul because they have mistaken emptiness for ambition. They cover the pain with fake smiles, weak “I’m fine how are you?” and placebo medications. They try and satisfy the emptiness in their gut with knowledge, accomplishment and power. Draw near to them Lord Jesus, met them at their point of pain. Fill the emptiness with words “I love you” from your lips. Save them I pray from themselves and give them peace. Draw them into a relationship with you……….

2:53 AM I’m back Lord. There are couples sleeping in the same bed but they are thousands of miles apart. Some live under the same roof but they might as well be strangers who meet on the street. Others are engaged in WW III. Vicious warfare has created gaping, bleeding wounds in body, mind and soul. Children bury their heads under a pillow to drown out the vile bickering and yelling. Whether it be a cold war or brutal battle send Peace into those homes. Send in angels of mediation and demand a cease fire. Bring husband and wives to the table of reason, humility, and forgiveness. Do a new thing in them Father. Save them from imminent destruction, if nothing else for the children. Teach them how to give and receive love. Heal them I pray…….

3:38 AM I praise you O God for the St. Matthew faithful who are planning on inviting their unchuched neighbors, friends and family to your place of worship. In the name of Jesus Christ, prepare the hearts of those whose names are on this stack of cards I hold. Create a hunger in their spirit so they are ready to say “yes” when they are invited to attend worship or a small group. Give wisdom to our St. Matthew family as they look for the right moment to extend an invitation. Let them know when to speak and when to listen, when to press on and when to back off, when to invite and when to follow up. Use these your servants I pray to share the love and grace of Jesus day after day after day after day. Move them to care for, respect and love people where they are in their life journey………

5:31 AM  Ok, I’m up for good Lord and Hallowed be your name. I praise you for giving me a safe place to live, eat, work and pray. I praise you for my beloved wife and three sons. I praise you for surrounding me with great friends, an awesome staff and a great church. I am blessed beyond measure. My life is so rich. I have the best parents in the world, sisters whose families love the lord and in laws who I love like blood relatives. I live in the greatest nation on the face of the earth. I can breathe. I can see. I can hear. I can taste. I can feel. Thank you God for life and as you open your Word before me this morning, teach me something new about you. Teach me how to follow Jesus. Teach me how to lead our church family to the place of promise you had in mind at our conception. For 39 nine years we have stood at the river, ready to cross over. We are ready Lord. Take us to the other side that we might dwell in the land of milk and honey, where people are saved, filled with the Holy Spirit and living 24/7 for you Lord……..Teach me, guide me, love me………..and help me do for others what you have done and are doing even now for me….…….. You lead and I will follow………..

6:01 AM  One more thing.......As your folowers and seekers arise this morning, grant them joy. Fill their homes with your presence. Greet them as soon as they are moving about. And fill them with the expectation that today you are going to do something new in thier lives......In Jesus name.....Amen.
