Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Traditions That I Love

I love Christmas. I love the singing of Christmas Carols, the smell of fresh cookies baking in the oven and the anticipation of gathering with the family to open presents. I love shopping for that one perfect gift for Dallas and collaborating with her on what to buy our 3 sons. I love running through my neighborhood streets lined by houses lit with multicolored lights and the messages of hope, peace, joy and love.

I love seeing the eyes of children sparkle as they look at the tree and then sit in Santa’s lap.  I love seeing my hulking three sons walk through the doors shouting “I’m home” and give their mother a big hug. I love the tradition of assembling with family for a delicious meal and heart warming fellowship. Shoot, I even love wrapping presents,  and placing them beneath the tree.

I love Christmas. I love everything about Christmas!

But most of all, I love seeing people stepping up to serve and love their neighbors. I love seeing the angels disappear from the tree and watching gifts miraculously reappear. I love seeing you answer the call to distribute those gifts to our neighbors in need. I love listening to your sing on Christmas Eve, watching you receive communion and bringing your sacrificial gifts for the least and the lost. I love seeing our  Birthday Gift to Jesus bear fruit among our Ethiopian friends.

I love Christmas and all her traditions!! Even more I love it when the light comes on for someone and they realize how much God loves them and are moved to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

I love you Church, but more importantly God does and the greatest Christmas tradition you can practice is sharing the Good News of God’s love with someone you know. Invite them to come and see the gift God wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in the manger just for them, the gift of His Son, the gift of His love, the gift of Jesus. And I suspect when you see the light of God’s love sparkle in their eyes, inviting others to “come and see” will become number one on the list of “Christmas traditions that I love”.

Merry Christmas,


Christmas Eve Worship Celebrations

Friday December 24,

Contemporary 4:00 & 5:30 PM

Traditional 6:30 PM