Growing in a relationship has nothing to do with engagements and weddings. Ask yourself some simple questions. Do I like to grow? Do I like to read? Do I like to learn? Do I like to study? Do I like to develop?
If you answered most of the questions “Yes”, make sure you marry someone who shares your passion for growing. You either desire it or you don’t desire it. And if you don’t desire to grow, go find someone who doesn’t want to maximize their life either and marry them. Choose someone you can watch TV with the rest of your life and in your final years wonder together how life passed you by.
In most cases, three years into a relationship you will look at your mate and say; “That is not the person I married” and you will be right. People change. People grow. Dallas and I have been married 32 years ago and we are not same people who stood at the altar in that little ol church in Odessa and said ‘I do.’ Life is not a static experience. Life is a growing experience. Have a personal growth plan.
2. Become best friends.
If you are going to really grow together, you have to like each other. It has nothing to do with sex. It has nothing to do with chemistry. Great sex is critical to a healthy, vibrant martial relationship, but without friendship, both the sex and marriage will wither.
3. Discover what you enjoy together.Decide on things you both like to do. I am amazed at the number of marriages where the guy goes one way, the wife another and they each have their own friends. I think it is wonderful to have your own friends, but that should be a secondary, not a primary part of your life and certainly not at the emotional expense of your spouse. I have heard some couples say their marriage survives only because they live totally separate lives. That is an arrangement, not a marriage.
4. Develop what you enjoy together.

Personal Note: One of the ways Dallas and I grow is through reading. Many ago I was working on a marriage and family series. Dallas was reading one of the many research books I was using to stimulate message creativity. She underlined a few passages and wrote a note or two in the margins. I was at the office, studying and writing and I came across one of her margin notes. One of her comments was “Come home big boy.”
I read for another 10 minutes and thought “What am I doing here?” So I packed it up and told my assistant to cancel my appointments. “I have to make a pastoral visit.” And I did. It was the best pastoral visit I ever made!
I told that story when preaching that partiuclar series back in the day. Sherra, my assistant, got several phone calls from wives wanting to know what book pastor Owen was reading. For your information, it wasn’t the book, it was the comments in the margin. :-)
I can give you a manual on how to have a good marriage and how to grow close, what works and what doesn’t work, but the marriage that lasts is determined by what you practice………when you get home. So click off this blog and get to practicing!
I love you church family,