Tuesday, July 10, 2012

We Are Growing!

When my dad was three or four he would often follow his own dad into the corn fields to check on the crop. Regularly my papaw Owen would hunker down in the middle of the field, draw my dad between his knees and say….”Mather……If you get real quiet….and listen…..you can hear the corn grow.”

The more I listen to you worship, watch you serve, read of your small groups, hear of your increasing passion to be in the Word I have become starkly aware that you, we are growing….spiritually! We just passed the halfway mark of 2012 and the harvest has been plentiful in many ways.

- 11 have professed their faith in Jesus, 22 have been baptized, 74 adults have joined the church

- Your are engaged in worship from beginning to end and most of you are even showing up at the beginning! Our summer worship attendance is at all time high and new attenders walk in our doors EVERY weekend.

- We have a greater percentage of the body engaged in Small Groups than ever before in our history. Thus far 43 new groups have formed in 2012 and more are being birthed right now. You have become a disciple making machine!

- A group of 50 plus are reading the bible together in a single year and are dialoguing via the internet.

- Your tithes and offerings to the Lord have been generous. Thus far our general fund income has been $946,685 , expenses $ 857,180. You gave $140,000 last Christmas for our Birthday Gift to Jesus and the funds are making a huge impact in Ethiopia. ( more on Ethiopia at a later date)

- $100,000 has been given to start a new scholarship fund for high school seniors and several other second mile gifts have been received to honor and celebrate loved ones.

- You are serving at the Night Shelter, the Johnson County homeless lodge, the Patriot House, the Harvest House and countless other benevolent organizations. In April you invested over 500 man hours in our area communities on Change the World weekend. Thus far in 2012, you have sent two mission teams to Ethiopia, one to Mexico and we are exploring a partnership with Orphan Network in Nicaragua.
- 2,000 people enjoyed the community Easter Egg Hunt you hosted.

- Anne Terry and Becky prince recruited, trained and empowered 234 Vacation Bible School servants to serve 333 different children while sharing with them the Good news of Jesus.

- Our Family Ministry efforts are bearing fruit as more and more parents are buying into making their homes the center of their life with Christ.

- Our Wednesday night Children and Youth ministry is making such a huge impact that we are quickly running out of space to meet the growing demand for all that are attending. Thanks be to God!

- Around 200 children, youth and 30 adults will attend Summer Camp.

- Our Ministry to Men is making progress in challenge men to step up and act as the spiritual leaders in their homes.

- We have a growing and impactful singles ministry and a surging interest in a ministry to post high school young adults.

I woke up early this morning to begin the day walking in the footsteps of my heavenly Father. After we arrived deep into the vineyard, he hunkered down, drew me between his knees and said….”Rick,…if you get real quiet….and listen…..you can hear the people called St. Matthew growing.”

Thanks be to God!