Friday, February 1, 2013

I Love Our Church Name But.........

I love our church name “St. Matthew,” but it is not about me! On December 6, 2011, our session made and unanimously passed a recommendation to change our name so that we might better fulfill our purpose; “Glorify God by sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ with as many people as we can.”

I love our church name “St. Mathew, “but it is not about me! Our session has been discussing this idea for many years so I was not surprised by the recommendation and vote but I was surprised by my surfacing emotions. I spoke for the recommendation but immediately began to grieve the forth coming loss of a name that marks some of the most important experiences in my life; my first full time pastorate, the site of my ordination, where our children were raised, baptized and professed their faith. Under the name “St. Mathew” I have presided at scores of marriages, baptisms, and funerals. At “St. Mathew” I learned how to be a godly man, husband and father. At “St. Matthew” friendships were built that will last a life time and at “St. Matthew” I have been a part of a family that has impacted the world for Christ in our own backyard and across the seas.

I love our church name “St. Matthew,” but it is not about me! For many reasons, to be shared in a future blog, the full name “St. Matthew Cumberland Presbyterian Church” carries numerous connotations that are a stumbling block to those we are trying to reach, the unchurched and those who do know Jesus. Witnesses inside and outside the church prove this to be true so your session formed a Rebranding Team in August 2012 to begin the renaming process.

I love our church name “St. Matthew”, but it is not about me! After processing with several groups of people my grief has passed and I am excited about the prospects of our new name. I am convinced that it is God’s timing, God’s idea and God’s favor that has led us to this season in our journey.

Soon the Rebranding Team made up of Jeff Ogden chair, Arlen Fuhlendorf, Sherri Sechrist, Will Johnson, Liz Mitchell, Bill Whatley, Lana Horadam, Cheyenne Davis, Josh Fortney and Nedra Lamar will be inviting you into the conversation and discernment process. Together, joined in prayer and stimulating conversation, we will seek God’s name for His Church so we might fulfill the mission he has placed before us. How long will the process take? Only God knows. What will be the process be? Will be shared in a forth coming blog.

Yes, I love our church name, but more than loving the name “St. Matthew “ I love who we are, our DNA, our identity, our heart, our passion and our mission for reaching the lost. And I am eager to move into this next season of our existence so that future generations will be even more effective at fulfilling our purpose; “Glorify God, by sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ with as many people as we can!”

I love our church name, but it is not about me, it is not about you, it is about God's mission placed before us.

I am praying for you. Please pray for me. And pray for our Rebranding Team and Session as they lead us through us this season of exciting change and possibility.

