June 8-9......36 St. Matthew servants were in Oklahoma for tornado disaster relief clean up.
June 8..........36 St. Mathew servants hosted a dinner for our 24 high school graduates
June 8-9......38 St. Mathew servants responded to the appeal to serve twice over the summer in children’s ministry during weekend worship.
June 8-13....13 St. Matthew servants were in Mexico building a “casita”, repairing a local church and hosting a medical clinic.
June 15.........14 St. Matthew servants hosted 60 dads and 60 daughters for our first daddy daughter dance
June 15-16...... 3 Believer Baptisms....4 Profession of Faiths....10 Reaffirmation of Faith's.....6 Infant Baptisms
June 19.........10 St Matthew servants provided courtesy parking security and to the door
transportation for the 1,000 plus mourning the death of Brian Jennings, long time local youth pastor of Alsbury Baptist church.
June 21-23....25 St. Mathew servants were in Oklahoma for tornado disaster relief clean up.
June 23-27.....205 St. Matthew Servants hosted Vacation Bible School for 385 children.
June, 155 (on average) St. Matthew Servants worked each weekend to prepare and host
worship and all age small group needs. Average weekend attendance, 941.
January to June General Fund Giving $1.31 Million
General Fund Expenses $0.96 Million
Why June by the numbers? Because these numbers tell us that God’s people (now) called St. Matthew are answering the call to serve like never before. We have a long way to go but we also need to celebrate the presence of God’s favor upon us and the Jesus Followers who are answering the call. Way to go Church!! We are maturing. We are growing in faith, hope and love. We are a blessed people! To top it all off, the above numbers barely scratch the surface of all we are doing and about to do that will glorify God as we share the love and grace and Jesus with as many people as we can.
I am sincerely humbled and honored to serve as one of your pastors and the amazing part is, the best is yet to come!
I am praying for you. Please pray for me.