Connecting Generations is a big vision, a vision much bigger than 19,500 square feet of additional space. A vision much bigger than a large Children’s ministry area that includes a room for nursing mothers, special needs children and more space for all the children God is entrusting into our care. This vision is much bigger than the expansive community space which will house a new visitor’s center, baptistery, coffee bar and a view of the new playground. This vision is much bigger than connecting our two worship areas with a common space that will create opportunity for unity and new relationships. This vision is much bigger than the $4.7 million price tag.
Connecting Generations is a big vision because nothing is
more important than partnering with God to reach the lost and make
disciples. Jesus saves, we make disciples
but we cannot make disciples unless they are a part of the body. They will not
become a part of the body unless they believe there is enough room for them in
the “inn.”
For 27 ½ years God has allowed me to assemble every month
with the humble spiritual giants you elected to serve on session. We have been blessed with bold, courageous, visionary
leaders. They are strong in their faith
and fiscally conservative. They are
cautious and at the same time they are risk takers. They are mission driven.
They love you and are grounded in both the word and prayer. It is
an honor to serve alongside spirit filled men and women who love God, love you
and dare to cast a God inspired big vision.
- Pray. Pray every day asking God “How would you use me to Connect Generations to each other and to Jesus?” Sign up for the prayer vigil, (call 817.295.5832 and ask a staff member to sign you up) setting aside 15 minutes this Friday and Saturday to pray with the body for what God wants to do among us.
- Two year pledge commitment. Our goal is to raise at least $2 million over two years to minimize our debt load. The commitment is a financial sacrifice beyond the tithe. Our gifts will not be equal in amount but if they are equal in sacrifice we will reach our goal and beyond.
- Bring your completed pledge card to worship this weekend or mail to the church office if you are going to be out of town.
- Join your church family for a 15 minute Ground Breaking ceremony, Sunday, June 8th, 12:20 pm.
Yes, Connecting Generations is a big vision, but we have a
big God and we know that our church family has a big heart for God and his
mission. Nothing is impossible for God! Together we can and together we will, connect generations
to each other and to Christ.
I am proud and humbled to serve as one of your pastors.