Greetings to all our family in Jerusalem from your brother and sisters who are now at “ends of the earth.” Though there are only four of us here from St. Matthew it feels like all of you are present. We are simply ambassadors for Christ and the good work he is doing through you.
Please forgive me ladies for even attempting such a metaphor, but I wonder if our experience is similar to what you feel after child birth. We are tired from little sleep and our bodies are somewhat sore from being on our feet hours and hours at a time, but we are full of joy because of the new life God is allowing us to nurture. We have witnessed the birth of the vision shared by us all to be a witness for Christ in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria AND to the Ends of the Earth!
I am so proud to be part of a church family who gets it. Today the ladies heard the testimony of a recent Muslim convert professing faith in Christ. You are making a difference! Today, the senior pastor of all Ethiopia, similar to our Billy Graham, thanked God and praised you for saying yes at the perfect time in the history of the Evangelical Ethiopian Church. You are making a difference! Today, Ethiopian young adults passionately requested that we show them how to reach their youth for Jesus. You are making a difference!
From Jerusalem to the ends of the earth, you are glorifying God by sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ with as many people as you can.
As most of you know, conception and giving birth is the easy part. Now is the time to feed and nurture the Vision until she fully matures and takes on a life of her own. Shout for Joy people of God for you truly are changing the world one person at a time.
Pray for us even as we pray for you.
I love you all.