Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hello Church Family

Your Ethiopia Mission team, Leigh Ann Roy, Claudia Humphreys, Caren Robertson, Melissa Hagler and yours truly, have arrived safe and sound. After 16 ½ hours in the air, a mad dash through the Frankfurt airport and a long, slow line through customs in Ethiopia, we were greeted by our hosts with huge smiles and warm hugs. We are humbled and honored to represent you in this wonderful country. Tomorrow, while most of you are sound asleep, we will head to a local orphanage and then a 5 hour drive to get ready for our first training sessions.

We met two other mission teams while in flight and connected with several native Ethiopians. God gave me the opportunity to share the Gospel with an Ethiopian mother traveling with a 3 month old child. It was a Holy Spirit moment and a confirmation that God’s hand is upon us. A seed was planted; God will take care of the growth in His time.

Speaking of time, though our spirits are rested and full of joy, our bodies are suggesting we call it a night. The rooster will soon crow to announce another long day of travel. I will blog every day internet service is available.

Again, thank you for your generous birthday gift to Jesus. You are making huge impact in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

Peace and God Night,
