Friday morning 6:30 A.M.
Our accommodations and the weather conditions are fit for queens and kings. Addis is at 10,000 plus feet elevation so the temperature vacillates between a low of 68 and a high of 78. No one has been to hot or to cold. Our home base is a six bed room “Guest House” equipped with a full time staff including a security guard at the gate and in house attendants who cook and clean. This Guest House is primarily used by couples who are working through the adoption process. The front lawn is lush, full of beautiful tropical plans arrayed in every color imaginable.
The contrast between our Addis residence and the typical lifestyle of the community at large is striking. I have heard more than once “I almost feel guilty staying in such a nice place.” But the Guest House is a welcome respite from the daily exposure to the prolific abject poverty, especially that experienced by the orphaned children.
Our time Thursday was invested at the Kechene orphanage. We have a three year relationship with this home and they were eager to see us. This is the same orphanage from which Melissa and Roger Hagler adopted Netsonnet and Seare. 180 children ranging from infant to 18 swarmed around us upon opening the van doors. Though their clothing and barrack like dormitories reflected an impoverished life, their greatest need is not clothing, food, toys or shelter. They hunger for love and the power of human touch. Ten attendants tend to one hundred and eighty children and though they obviously care for these beautiful children there are not enough of them to go around. These children crave love.
So Joe Robertson, our Christ filled mission guide, wisely told us that though we came equipped and dressed to paint the exterior of the infant/toddler barracks our primary purpose was to interact with the children. And interact our team did! Each painting crew had a child at their side, brush in hand covering the building, the ground and themselves in a fresh coat of white oil based paint. There were only 8 brushes so the remaining team members, Paula, Leigh Ann, and Melissa got to know and played with the other residents.
While Barry, Amanda, Cindy, Claudia, and Leighton (a new staff member of Joe’s team) painted, and John videoed, I had the hopeless task of keeping the smaller children from getting into the paint. Ha! Ha!
It was a great, moving, spirit filled day topped off with a traditional Ethiopian Meal and the mesmerizing dances from the 5 national tribes. Though it was late when we arrived back at our quarters, no one wanted to go to bed. We stayed up till almost midnight talking, sharing, and praying. Though our bodies were exhausted our spirits were full.
Today, Friday, we visit more orphanages in the morning and present a pastor’s conference for the national denominational leaders and area pastors. This effort is being funded by your birthday gift to Jesus this past year.
By the time most of you read this we will have completed the work of our day and began the task of packing for our Saturday journey to Guncherie. Begin your day knowing that we have prayed for you before you ever awakened your eyes. Though we are thousands of miles away, through prayer, we sense you are at our side.