It is Monday morning and time to begin your quest of writing or revisiting your L.I. F.E. Purpose Statement. If you were not able to worship with us in peson this weekend, go to the website and click on video sermons to listen to the weekend message dated May 15-16. Proceed then to wrestle with these 3 L.I. F. E. questions.
1. What is the hub of your life? What is the driving force that holds everything together? Be honest with yourself and God.
2. What are you passionate about? What do you see in the world that causes your soul to burn?
I received a phone call from a pastor who wanted to discuss how to mobilize his congregation to reach more people in his area for Jesus. At the end of our conversation he asked about our new contemporary service having read about it on this blog. He replied with something like this, “There is only so much one pastor and one church can do. Don’t you think you should pace yourself and the church?”
No! There is a burning bush in my soul that compels us, me to keep pushing toward the mark of sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ with as many people as we can. What are you passionate about?
3. What are you good at? Name what you do well, at home, at work, in the community. What would other people say if asked, “What does _________________ do well?”
The answers to these three questions will help you sit down and begin the work of wring your purpose statement. As you write or type, wrestle with God. Trust the Holy Spirit. Read the Word. Pray. Share your efforts with a trusted friend until you have honed in on why God gave you life.
Here is mine as an example.
Rick's Life Purpose: Glorify God on earth by finishing the work He gave me to do.
1) Raise a family that will influence future generations for Jesus.
2) Raise a church that will demonstrate the kingdom of God on earth.
3) Equip up and coming church leaders who will reach future generations for Jesus.
So this week I want to challenge you to find a quiet place and wrestle with your God destiny. In fact, that is the shorter version of my mission statement, “Connect people to their God destiny. “ I would love that to be on my tombstone.
What will be written on yours? What will you do with the dash between your two dates?
I will pray for you as I travel to Ethiopia with our team to continue the good work you have started.