Friday, May 21, 2010

The Best Is Yet To Come

Day four of our trip was quite different than all the rest. The morning was spent visiting two other orphanages who have need of outside support and encouragement. Our group was prayerfully seeking to discern if God is leading us to partner with a second orphanage. Everyone was excited about the visits but as of yet, there is no sense of God's yes or no us to partner with either of these organizations.

Amanda, Cindy and Paula went shopping this afternoon with Hirut, one of the Gunchire Kindergarten Teachers. She teaches in one of the new class rooms built by our birthday gift to Jesus monies. Hirut was excited and deeply moved when she realized that she would no longer be hindered in her teaching efforts due to a lack of supplies. Barry escorted the ladies around town making sure they felt safe, paying for and carrying their supplies. As in America after four hours of shopping, Barry and the ladies arrived back at the guest house tired and hungry.

Melissa and Leigh Ann continue to work as a team making sure we are well fed, safe, nursed back to health when stomachs are queasy and spiritually nourished. Leigh Ann is the consummate caregiver. Melissa is always thinking about the next day, minimizing uncertainty by communicating the plan and ensuring every team member is equipped to complete the task God called them to do.

John and Claudia accompanied me to the pastor’s conference. For 3 ½ hours we visited with pastors about leadership issues. 56 men and women eagerly took notes, asked questions, and engaged in small group dialogue. Assembled in that room were some of the most influential up and coming leaders in the Ethiopian Protestant church. It was an honor to be in the presence of such Godly pastors. John and Claudia were invaluable to the success of the conference.

Saturday morning we pack up, leave the city and head for the simple life of the remote villages. No more smog. No more death defying traffic. No more hundreds of people marching and protesting the Sunday election. No more wondering about Embassy warnings and safety. Soon we will be in the beautiful jungles surrounding Gunchire, connecting with the people for whom you grew a garden, dug water wells, equipped the Sports Authority and worshipped with in word, sacrament and song.

In all probability we will have no internet service until we return to Addis on May 27th. I will continue the practice of blogging everyday and post them all when we return to civilization.

Here are a few profound words from some of your team members.

“It will zip.” Paula
“I am thankful God gives us second chances.” Leigh Ann
“Honk, honk, accelerate.” Barry
“Look out for the goats.” Cindy

As always we covet your prayers and are humbled to represent you and our Lord Jesus Christ among the Ethiopian people.

