Friday, November 11, 2011

The Charcter of John 3:16

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
that whosoever believes in him will not perish
but have ever lasting life. “
John 3:16

John 3:16 is the most famous verse in the Bible, known by believers and unbelievers alike. It is plastered on billboards, websites, t-shirts, jewelry and bathroom walls. It is everywhere except where it matters most, in our character.

John 3:16 is not a secret password to be repeated before entering into heaven. Neither is it an I.D. to be carried in our purse or pocket so we can get out of speeding tickets or a discount from a sister Christian. John 3:16 reveals the very character of God himself and it identifies those traits that will be found in us as we become more and more like Jesus.

“For God so loved the world that he gave…….” We are never more like God than when we love and when we give. I think that is why I love Christmas. Men, please don’t take away my man card, but one of my simple pleasures is to slip off and spend the whole day shopping for Dallas. Yes, you heard me, I like shopping for my wife! Listen again men….I don’t like shopping…... I like shopping for Dallas, for my wife. Why?

“For God so loved the world that he gave….” Those two words, loving and giving, go together. You can’t love without giving, and it is not really a ‘gift’ unless offered in love. I remember on Christmas morning the happiest people around the tree were not me and my sisters, but my parents. Why? Parents love to give to their children.

“For God so loved the world that he gave....” It is in God’s character to give. God gives because God loves. And when we give in love, we are like God. There are millions of people around the world who are longing to be loved. They just want to know that they matter, that someone cares, that they are not an accident. Some are lost, some are calloused, some are hurting, but all of them need love. Some are lonely, some are wealthy, some are poor, but all of them need love.

“For God so loved the world that he gave….” Giving is not about impressing, reciprocating or investing, it is about loving. Who do you love? How do you love? Do you love?

“For God so loved the world that he gave….” When we assemble in worship and give our offering, it is not about budget or bills, it is about a living, concrete demonstration of our love for God and what matters to God. And for some reason, the lost, the least and the poor really matter to God.

“For God so loved the world that he gave…” As you begin your Christmas shopping, please remember whose birthday we are celebrating and why God sent his Son. He came in large part to teach us how to love. Buy for your kids. Enjoy all the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas. Give to each other with generous hearts, but please remember the heart and character of God and for whom God sent his Son. He came so that whoever believes in him, especially the least and the lost, would not perish but have everlasting life.

“For God so loved the world that he gave…….” Our challenge and opportunity is for every household to match the dollars we spend on each other and give it to Jesus on his birthday. . The hope is that every household will place $1000 in the cradle on Christmas Eve so the least and the lost near and far, at home and in Ethiopia will have no doubt……“For God so loved the world, that he gave…………………”


Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Off to a Great Start"

Our “EPIC” fall message series is "Off to a Great Start." I am thrilled at the number of you bringing your bibles to worship and digging into the Word. You are growing church and I am proud of you. A part of spiritual growth is sharing your faith story and inviting others to join you for worship, small group or any other ministry in which you participate. Please take seriously the charge to “share the love and grace of Jesus Christ with as many people as you can.” God uses persons to lead people into a relationship with Jesus. Let’s all step out there and help Jesus go viral by spreading the word that lives are being changed, the blind can see and the lame are walking.

293 people, a record number, ran in the 19th Annual Harvest Run. Thank you Dave Madden, our resident marathon expert, for leading over 200 servants and executing the plan with excellence. $3,604 was raised for the Harvest House. And thanks to fourteen awesome sponsors, $5,018.90 was  raised for the purpose of hosting a community event for children.

Way to go St. Matthew! We are "Off to a Great Start!"

Alsbury Animal Hospital                  Mark Bernhard, MD - Texas Health
Mike Carlson Motor Co.                Cook Children's                  
Donnelly Construction                      Huffman Aviation, LLC
Gilco Contracting, Inc.                     Pathway Com-Tel
Huguley Memorial Medical Center  
McClendon Construction Co. Inc.    Orr & Associates      
Regency Office and Promotional Products
Star Group Newspapers                  Jerry Wood, Attorney at Law

Mark your calendars! The fortieth birthday celebration of St. Matthew begins October 12 with prayer, community thank you's, service projects, DVD testimonials and a big Celebration on November 20th at 5:32 pm. Ray and Maggie Kramer have called out an enthusiastic “party” planning team and they are ready to help us give God some praise for 40 great years. Keep your ears and eyes open and join the fun as we celebrate our grace filled history and prepare to embrace the incredible future God has planned.  After forty years we are "Off to a Great Start" but we have only just begun!

In the blink of an eye Christmas and New Years will be upon us. I will blog again next week and give you the important dates and times so you can plan accordingly. Please be praying and saving up for our Birthday Gift to Jesus. Over the course of 6 years, that offering has resourced many Jesus miracles. From the Night Shelter, to Mexico to Myanmar , South Korea and Ethiopia, the good news of Jesus has been spread through your Christmas offering. You will hear more soon on the use of this years offering. For now, pray, plan and save so that we can complete the work God has “sent” us to do. We are "Off to a Great Start" but the best is yet to come!

See you in worship,

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Developing and Growing Your Marriage

1. Have a personal growth plan.

Growing in a relationship has nothing to do with engagements and weddings. Ask yourself some simple questions. Do I like to grow? Do I like to read? Do I like to learn? Do I like to study? Do I like to develop?

If you answered most of the questions “Yes”, make sure you marry someone who shares your passion for growing. You either desire it or you don’t desire it. And if you don’t desire to grow, go find someone who doesn’t want to maximize their life either and marry them. Choose someone you can watch TV with the rest of your life and in your final years wonder together how life passed you by.

In most cases, three years into a relationship you will look at your mate and say; “That is not the person I married” and you will be right. People change. People grow. Dallas and I have been married 32 years ago and we are not same people who stood at the altar in that little ol church in Odessa and said ‘I do.’ Life is not a static experience. Life is a growing experience. Have a personal growth plan.

2. Become best friends.

If you are going to really grow together, you have to like each other. It has nothing to do with sex. It has nothing to do with chemistry. Great sex is critical to a healthy, vibrant martial relationship, but without friendship, both the sex and marriage will wither.
3. Discover what you enjoy together.

Decide on things you both like to do. I am amazed at the number of marriages where the guy goes one way, the wife another and they each have their own friends. I think it is wonderful to have your own friends, but that should be a secondary, not a primary part of your life and certainly not at the emotional expense of your spouse. I have heard some couples say their marriage survives only because they live totally separate lives. That is an arrangement, not a marriage.

4. Develop what you enjoy together.

Not only discover what you enjoy together, but whatever it is, do it together often. Dallas and I enjoy working out together, attending sporting events, shopping at COSTCO, cooking a healthy meal, going to the movies and splurging at Taco Bueno. We enjoy going on short trips so we can visit and catch up while we drive. We enjoy watching two or three TV shows a week and we enjoy the mornings when I read the bible to her while she is getting ready for work. Discover what you enjoy together and do it.

When our children were small, one of us would have to stay at home when the other had a business trip. The one who traveled would come home and tell about their adventures. We vowed as the boys got older, we would travel together so we could share the experience together. Today we follow each other all across the Unites States supporting and enjoying each other as we hone and share our professional skills.

Personal Note: One of the ways Dallas and I grow is through reading. Many ago I was working on a marriage and family series. Dallas was reading one of the many research books I was using to stimulate message creativity. She underlined a few passages and wrote a note or two in the margins. I was at the office, studying and writing and I came across one of her margin notes. One of her comments was “Come home big boy.”

I read for another 10 minutes and thought “What am I doing here?” So I packed it up and told my assistant to cancel my appointments. “I have to make a pastoral visit.” And I did. It was the best pastoral visit I ever made!

I told that story when preaching that partiuclar series back in the day. Sherra, my assistant, got several phone calls from wives wanting to know what book pastor Owen was reading. For your information, it wasn’t the book, it was the comments in the margin. :-)

I can give you a manual on how to have a good marriage and how to grow close, what works and what doesn’t work, but the marriage that lasts is determined by what you practice………when you get home. So click off this blog and get to practicing!

I love you church family,


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 11-12, Change The World Weekend

The end of year school bell and “Graduates, flip your tassels” sends most churches into slow down mode but not St. Matthew! The business of The Kingdom never goes on Vacation. God never slumbers or sleeps and he expects his church to do the same 365 days a year.

There are countless opportunities for all ages on our summer calendar to serve, grow and enjoy fellowship. Click to our website to view the menu and get on board.

We begin the summer months this weekend by launching our first annual Change the World weekend. Churches all over the world are pushing beyond their walls to impact their community and June 11-12 is our opportunity to join the movement.

For the past five years we have been sending mission teams to Mexico, Ethiopia, the Gulf Coast, blighted neighborhoods in Oklahoma, Arizona and Mississippi. Every week groups head up I -35 to the Women’s and Presbyterian night Shelter. Annually we collect school supplies and help provide Christmas to our area neighbors who find themselves in hard times.

This weekend, we mobilize the entire congregation for one hour of service in our local community. Imagine the impact of 1,000 hour of Community Service in one weekend!

Join the movement by registering on our website or simply showing up this weekend ready to go to work. Dress casual for worship and be prepared to be deployed for one hour. Single, married, families, small groups it matters not from which you come, just come. There will be opportunities for all ages, including those who have health limitations. Some will stay in the building and write letters, others will be sent out to pick up trash, others to perform minor repairs.

I am proud of being part of a congregation who chooses to put their faith into action and I know that God is going to be honored and people blessed through our efforts. Join the movement. Join the fun. Join the effort to Change the World by sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ with as many people as we can this weekend.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."                                                                                                                  Jesus > Matthew 25:40

I am looking forward to seeing you this weekend.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pray for Peace

I learned of bin Laden’s death like many of you. Dallas and I were winding down on that Sunday night when “Breaking News” interrupted programming just before the 10 o’clock hour. I did not become aware of the jubilant celebrations across American until early the next morning. The headline on my computer screamed out....”Osama bin Laden is dead”….while pictures scrolled of Americans dancing in the streets waving flags and singing songs of celebration.

As an American, I felt a sense of pride in our armed forces and their resolve to protect and defend America and the world at large. I feel a sense of resolution that bin Laden’s taunting personal reign of terror is finally over and that his cowardly corpse had been disposed into the sea. In no way can his death make up for the thousands of individual lives and families impacted by his demonic actions on the day that will forever be remembered as 9-11. But in some sense, justice has been served. We are all held accountable for our actions and if one is not committed to live by grace then he or she must eventually experience the consequence of God’s law.

To be perfectly honest, I must say that I am glad that bin Laden’s personal voice for the mandate of hate has been silenced, but I am also reminded of the biblical mandate that must tenor our own response, “Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not rejoice.” (Proverbs 24:17) As Jesus followers, we are to demonstrate a peculiar way, a radical way that runs contrary to our instinct “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” Jesus said that children of the kingdom are to represent a higher moral law.

“You have heard it was said ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’” But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:43-44)

I find it ironic that the Pontiff of Peace, Pope Paul II was beatified on the same day Osama bin Laden was killed. The Vatican’s statement released the Monday after bin Laden’s death reflected the spirit of the ambassador of peace Pope Paul III emulated during his earthly service.

“Osama bin Laden, as we all know, must bear the responsibility for spreading divisions and hatred among populations, causing the deaths of innumerable people, and manipulating religion for this purpose. In the face of a man’s death, a Christian never rejoices, but reflects upon the serious responsibilities of each person before God and before men, and works and hopes so that every event may be the occasion for the further growth of peace and not hatred.”

I am thankful that Osama bin Laden is gone and can no longer be an inciting voice for evil, but as a Christian, I am working to align my heart with the heart of our Father God who mourns over a wayward son who sowed seeds of hate instead of seeds of peace. Let us pray that others who harbor such hatred and evil in their hearts will come to know Jesus before they unleash more destruction and they too suffer a similar demise. And while you are at it…………….

Pray for Peace!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ash Wednesday and Lent

Ash Wednesday Worship
March 9th, 7:00 PM

Lenten Message Series
Walk the Narrow
Begins March 12-13

Q: What is Ash Wednesday and Lent?
A: Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, which is a forty day season of repentance, self examination and self denial as a preparation for Easter.

Q: Why is Lent 40 days?
A: After his baptism, Jesus spent forty days in the desert fasting, praying and resisting the temptations of the evil one before he began his 3 year ministry journey to the cross and empty tomb. Matthew 4:1-11

Q: Why is it called Ash Wednesday?
A: Actually, Ash Wednesday is its colloquial name. Its official name is the Day of Ashes. It is called Ash Wednesday because, being forty days before Good Friday, it always falls on a Wednesday and it is called Ash Wednesday because on that day at church the faithful have their foreheads marked with ashes in the shape of a cross.

After Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Evil, (The Fall, Genesis 3:1-7) God said to them both “for dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:19) Dust and ashes and are often interchanged in biblical practices.

Q: Why do we have our foreheads or hands marked with a cross?
A: In the Bible a mark on the forehead is a symbol of a person's ownership. By having our foreheads marked with the sign of a cross, we are saying that we believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that we belong to him.

The ashen cross is also a reminder of our baptism and our deliverance from sin. (Rom. 6:3-18) Some protestants prefer the imposition of ashes to be placed on their hands because of Jesus admonition in the sermon on the mount (Matthew 6:16-18) to be careful of showy acts of repentance.

Q: Where do the ashes used on Ash Wednesday come from?
A: They are made by burning palm fronds which have been saved from the previous year's Palm Sunday, they are then blessed by clergy. Blessed ashes having been used in God's rituals since the time of Moses (Numbers 19:9-10, 17).

Q: What are some biblical examples of people putting dust and ashes on their foreheads?
A: Consider the following verses from the New International Version:

• "That same day a Benjamite ran from the battle line and went to Shiloh, his clothes torn and dust on his head." (1 Samuel 4:12)

• "On the third day a man arrived from Saul's camp, with his clothes torn and with dust on his head. When he came to David, he fell to the ground to pay him honor." (2 Samuel 1:20

• "Tamar put ashes on her head and tore the ornamented robe she was wearing. She put her hand on her head and went away, weeping aloud as she went." (2 Samuel 13:19)

Invite your friends and family to join us for Ash Wedneseday and the weekends of Lent as together we journey to the cross and the great Celebration of Easter.

I'm praying for you and I ask that you pray for me.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

7:15 PM Addis Ethiopia

Hello from 75 and mild Ethiopia to cold and iced in St. Matthew family. Remember, though the electric power may be low we have more than enough Holy Spirit power to take care of all our needs.

We had a great day and are about to rush for the airport for a three hour wait and then a 24 hour trip. The next time we have contact will be in weekend worship. I can’t wait! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. We will be looking for ways to give you complete reports on what God did on our church wide journey. You are going to be amazed at the impact you are having.

So stay warm church family and let’s get ready to give God some great praise this weekend! We are a richly blessed people and the best is yet to come.



"I thank my God everytime I think of you."  Philippians 1:3

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

10:45 PM Addis Ethiopia

I am one proud pastor! I have watched Melissa grow into an even mightier and more effective leader as she spoke with confidence to some of the most infential women in Ethiopia. Claudia took her oratory skills to a whole new level as she taught pastors wives about their spritual giftedness. . Leigh Ann’s servant heart doubled in size as she poured her life into people who simply needed to be cared for and nurtured.

And you, we, the people of St. Matthew are more and more beginning to get it. God has taken your birthday gift to Jesus and multiplied it like the loaves and fishes. No exaggeration, thousands will be fed as pastors and wives take the spiritual food you have provided and feed their own congregations. Basketfuls will be left over to feed the lost who need to know Jesus. Even as Egyptian protesters challenge the status quo, I sense these women and men of God are going to do the same in the Ethiopian church. Get ready for an uprising among these people because they are eager to see the church be who she was intended to be.

I am humbled to be part of church that is literally being used by God to transform his Church to the “ends of the earth.”

Tomorrow , Wednesday will include a half day of training, closing worship, packing, eating and then to the airport to wait for our 11:00 PM outbound flight. We are all hoping and praying that weather allows us to land on time safe and sound on Thursday 2:00 pm CST.  By the way, the high today was 75, low was 62.

Though I will miss this beautiful country and the passion of these growing leaders, I am ready to come home. Can’t want to see my beautify bride and walk through the door of my own home!  And athen there will be worship with my own Church Family. God is good!!

We are a blessed people and I am a very proud pastor.

I love you all.


Monday, January 31, 2011

10:45 PM Addis Ethiopia

I was reminded of a very important lesson in a humbling way today. It is the responsibility of the person communicating the Gospel to speak a language that the audience can understand. I had no translator today because all of the pastors present are highly educated and well versed in English. Notice I said well versed in English, not Texan!

Five minutes into the lesson I knew I was in trouble. I might as well been a visitor from Mars. Jokes and stories told in Hawassa that evoked laughter, smiles and enthusiastic head bobs sunk like a lead balloon. The more they looked at me with blank faces the harder I worked which I meant I energized my teaching with passion and a faster pace. The more excited and more enthusiastic I got the more they looked totally lost. Failure! My spirit sunk and I was ready to head for the airport right then.

I didn’t understand what was going on and then it hit me. The same material in Hawasssa worked because I had a translator who used a vernacular and images the audience could understand. In a sense, the translator acted as the Holy Spirit clarifying what I said so the listeners could understand this guy teaching in a foreign tongue, Texan. Eureka! It is my responsibility to speak the language of the listener.

One of the greatest challenges of the church today, is doing church in such a way that the unchurched, the lost and those turned off religion can understand the message of Jesus. Many American denominations are struggling because we are not working hard enough to communicate in a medium that the unchurched can grasp. It is not that they are disinterested, each of us are created with a need for God. It is just that we are not connecting.

Please join me in listening for the Holy Spirit to guide and teach us how to not only better communicate with one another, but to those who need Christ. It is an exciting challenge and one worth pursuing because it is right on with our purpose and mission. We don’t have to go to Ethiopia to do the Lord’s work. There are hundreds of people living around each of us who need a Savior and a church family.

After the break, I slowed down my delivery and teaching style. The content was exactly the same; what changed was my language and my means of communicating. Instead of using jokes I told real life stories about being a pastor, husband and a dad. I repeated lesson points over and over again in different ways. The end result was smiles, enthusiastic head bobbing, claps, laughter and most of all an understanding that the Holy Spirit used to change lives. By the end of the day, no one wanted to leave because they were learning so much. Humbling.

God left the perfection of heaven to live among a sinful people to help us understand how much He loved us. He spoke a language everyone can understand. He allowed someone he loved very much to die for our sins. That is a language all human beings can understand, love, death, loss.

How far are we willing to go to communicate the message God taught on the cross through his Son? And in case you forgot the message was and is….”I love you.”

Keep sending Dallas and me your prayer emails. We are taking seriously the opportunity to pray for you and your families.

Eager to see you this weekend in worship!

"I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some."
                                                               I Corinthians 9:22


Sunday, January 30, 2011

10:20 PM, January 30, Addis

(Saturday and Sunday postings were both done this evening because internet service just regained)

Today was a long, hard day. Most of it was spent on the road, 4 hours of which was a bone shaking, teeth clacking, brain rattling drive. It was all worth it because we got to enjoy two hours of worship with our friends in Gunchire. We couldn’t understand a single word that came out of their mouths but we understood every word that poured forth from their heart. When we stood side by side worship and received communion, our common belief in Jesus as Savior and Lord was cemented. Back home, a two worship time would have felt like forever, here it went by in a flash.

Melissa had a great meeting with the Mayor of Gunchire and the head of the Women’s Ministry last Friday afternoon. Conversations are progressing on the library that will be constructed with your birthday gift to Jesus. We are excited to hear that land has been reserved for the library in the center of town and on the path most students take on their way to school. A dialogue has started with a local organization that can help stock and maintain the library.

The coordinator of the Women’s Ministry happily reported that more and more women are claiming ownership over their bodies and not practicing the self mutilating tribal customs of their clans. Melissa has also planted a seed that may lead to us teaching them the art of canning. Much of the harvest from their crops spoils because their means of preservation is little. We hope they will embrace the canning concept and it will spread across the whole nation. You talk about making an impact!

The women’s and pastor’s training resumes tomorrow in Addis, Monday January 31, with a different group of pastor’s and their wives. We are praying that the Holy Spirit will again move in powerful ways for the 2 ½ day event. Every single one of us are physically exhausted but we are spiritually super charged. This trip has reminded me of a very important formula, work hard, prepare well and then depend on God for the rest. The depending on God part is what has enabled us to keep going when we didn’t think we could move another step. It is has also given us incredible energy and clarity of thought just when we needed it. Praise be to God!

We have slept in four different beds in four nights so though we are walking on air because of our great experience, we will all be ready to see the front door of our own homes and the smiling faces of our families on Thursday afternoon.

I woke up this morning at four to pray for the Saturday night celebration and paused to do the same at the appropriate hour for the Sunday morning celebrations. Please keep praying for us even as we pray for you.



11:10 January 29, 2011 Walisoo, Ethiopia

Today has been our only day off. After a short scenic two hour drive, we have spent the day recovering from the torrid pace of the last six days. I used this afternoon to dig into the Word for our next Spiritual Warfare message and to reflect upon all the people in my life who make me look better than I really am.

If there is anything good about my life, it is because I have won the lottery more than once when it comes to healthy community. I am blessed with an unconditionally loving family, an incredible church family, a loyal and trustworthy staff and numerous friends, three men in particular who I know have my back 24/7. And then there is the team I have the privilege of serving with here in Ethiopia.

They are doing an incredible job for the Lord. You can be proud of how you are being represented in this land that is hungry to grow in Christ. Each of them are giving God their very best and the Holy Spirit is using their gifts to change lives. I am amazed at their high level commitment to God and the purpose he has placed before us.

Read on and enjoy some of their mission trip reflections.

“Ethiopian Women love chocolate! I know I have said this before…. God’s people are the same from Texas to Ethiopia. The Women’s Conference was an amazing Holy Spirit movement. We discussed topics such as discovering our Unique God personality, finding the God passion that burns in your very soul, and the importance of women and children programs in the local church. When we left Awassa, I grieved for the personal connections that were formed in just 3 days, but I am looking forward to loving the next group of women we will be training next week in Addis . Women were empowered to be who God made them to be and it was AWESOME!!” Claudia

‘To witness such a movement of God in the women in our conference was so humbling. I am so blessed to have been part of this conference.” Leigh Ann

“’Praise the Lord, O my soul,
I will praise the Lord all of my life
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live’
                             Psalm 146

I have not stopped praising God since we arrived in Ethiopia. The spirit has been moving in such powerful and unexpected ways. The women’s conference last week in Awassa was more than I can put into words. It was amazing to see to how the spirit was moving in the hearts of the women who attended. Listening to their personal stories of faith and boldness was moving and encouraging to all. It’s hard to really understand the sacrifices some of them have made to follow Jesus….I thank God for the freedoms that we have in our country.

God continues to move in powerful ways in Gunchire. Everyone is town is very excited about their new library. The teachers and students are especially happy….they now will have a better chance to pass their exams and attend the University. We hope construction will begin in mid February and will most likely be completed in July. Hamid, the mayor of Gunchire says thank you to everyone at St. Matthew for your continued support and also presented us with an award for Outstanding Achievement. This has never been presented to anyone from outside of their community. Looking forward to being home and sharing more stories about how God is moving in this beautiful place.”


Friday, January 28, 2011

11:00pm Friday, Addis Ethiopia

I really don’t know where to begin. Moses was speechless after coming face to face with God on Mt. Sinai. Perhaps he was awe laced with fear or maybe it was pure shock at being exposed to the fullness of God in such a personal way. Regardless, Moses was speechless.

For the first time in a long time I feel the same.

There is no way to adequately explain what took place at the training conference. We were humbled, awestruck; dumbfounded by the way God was working through all who assembled. Let’s just say God heard and answered all of your prayers and then some. A revival has been sparked among a large group of Ethiopian pastors and their wives. Simultaneously, a door has opened for our St. Matthew family that none of us ever dreamed or imagined.

Every year, two to three thousand Ethiopian evangelical pastors from all denominations assemble for a national conference. Key pastor leaders for the whole continent f Africa also attend. The conference ends with a National worship service that draws over 30,000 people. We have been extended a preliminary invitation to play a role in the training and the closing worship celebration.

Unbelievable! Humbling! Speechless!

Do you see how big our God is? He has chosen to use a little ol church in Burleson, TX to impact a whole nation and that nation’s continent for Christ. Will it come to fruition? Maybe ,maybe not, but regardless one small pebble cast into the waters has sent ripples across the entire ocean. And it all started with your decision to return Christmas to its original intent, the celebration of Jesus birthday.

Our team split up early this morning to double our efforts. Melissa, Caren Robertson and Alemayhu went to Gunchire to work on the plans for the library. Claudia, Leigh Ann, Genet and I remained in Hawassa to finish the conference. Tomorrow we will all meet in Weliso and worship in Gunchire on Sunday. Sunday afternoon we return to Addis to gear up for three more days of training.

Thank you for praying and encouraging us. We have felt the presence of God every step of the journey. Though we are having an incredible experience, we miss our church family and are eager to be reunited with you in worship on the first weekend of February. Hopefully our speech will soon return so we can better describe the miracles God has been performing the people called St. Matthew.



Thursday, January 27, 2011

11:00pm Ethiopia, January 27, 2011

Greetings to all our family in Jerusalem from your brother and sisters who are now at “ends of the earth.” Though there are only four of us here from St. Matthew it feels like all of you are present. We are simply ambassadors for Christ and the good work he is doing through you.

Please forgive me ladies for even attempting such a metaphor, but I wonder if our experience is similar to what you feel after child birth. We are tired from little sleep and our bodies are somewhat sore from being on our feet hours and hours at a time, but we are full of joy because of the new life God is allowing us to nurture. We have witnessed the birth of the vision shared by us all to be a witness for Christ in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria AND to the Ends of the Earth!

I am so proud to be part of a church family who gets it. Today the ladies heard the testimony of a recent Muslim convert professing faith in Christ. You are making a difference! Today, the senior pastor of all Ethiopia, similar to our Billy Graham, thanked God and praised you for saying yes at the perfect time in the history of the Evangelical Ethiopian Church. You are making a difference! Today, Ethiopian young adults passionately requested that we show them how to reach their youth for Jesus. You are making a difference!

From Jerusalem to the ends of the earth, you are glorifying God by sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ with as many people as you can.

As most of you know, conception and giving birth is the easy part. Now is the time to feed and nurture the Vision until she fully matures and takes on a life of her own. Shout for Joy people of God for you truly are changing the world one person at a time.

Pray for us even as we pray for you.

I love you all.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday 1:00am Ethiopia:

Wednesday was a long but productive day. The pastors arrived at the training full of hope and gratitude. They were like sponges today soaking up everything uttered by the Spirit. Your birthday gift to Jesus is going to reap a harvest in Ethiopia for years to come.

They asked me to thank you for your incredible generosity. I quote..."Thank you St. Matthew. God's spirit is moving and the saints are being equipped. We are praying for you even as you pray for us."

Soon we hope to send pictures so you can better grasp where we are and what God is doing. The pace has been fast and the days long so there has been little time to download pictures. Yes, everyone is tired but we are energized by the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, Melissa and Claudia will begin to work with the pastor's wives and I will continue the training with the pastors. Hopefully by Friday, we will be able to send you a more thorough report.

One thing I love about the Ethiopian Christians, they really know now to worship. I don't understand one word when they are singing and yet I understand everything because of their loving spirits. Our hearts are full.

Good Night Church Family. We love and miss you.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

11:30 PM Ethiopia Time

We had another long day of travel to the southern most region of Ethiopia via the “oh no” highway. Vans and commercial trucks competing for the narrow roadway with hordes of donkeys, goats , cows and Bramha bulls while driving at break neck speeds. I think the game of chicken was invented in Ethiopia. The first one to turn the wheel and yell “Oh No” loses or wins depending on your perspective.

This morning, we met a young couple who have been in Adddis for two years evangelizing the migrated Somalis in eastern Ethiopia. They have a one year old son with another on the way. I was deeply moved by their obvious love for the lost tribes of Somalia. What a commitment!

We visited O Elem orphanage before heading out on “oh no” highway. The children and adults were thrilled to receive the gifts from the children of St. Matthew. Way to go kids! You are making a difference on the other side of the world. The financial gift was received with grateful hearts and hope filled sparkling eyes.

Tomorrow bright and early we begin equipping pastors to lead their churches, to reach the lost and make disciples. These pastors are willing servants with little or no education. They are eager, willing and hungry to learn. We are excited about the opportunity to be used by God to teach them how to be fishers of men, women, youth and children.

The weather today was very warm as we descended the mountain to the edge of the desert. Everyone is well, upbeat and ready to get to work.

Your continued prayers are coveted.


Hello Church Family

Your Ethiopia Mission team, Leigh Ann Roy, Claudia Humphreys, Caren Robertson, Melissa Hagler and yours truly, have arrived safe and sound. After 16 ½ hours in the air, a mad dash through the Frankfurt airport and a long, slow line through customs in Ethiopia, we were greeted by our hosts with huge smiles and warm hugs. We are humbled and honored to represent you in this wonderful country. Tomorrow, while most of you are sound asleep, we will head to a local orphanage and then a 5 hour drive to get ready for our first training sessions.

We met two other mission teams while in flight and connected with several native Ethiopians. God gave me the opportunity to share the Gospel with an Ethiopian mother traveling with a 3 month old child. It was a Holy Spirit moment and a confirmation that God’s hand is upon us. A seed was planted; God will take care of the growth in His time.

Speaking of time, though our spirits are rested and full of joy, our bodies are suggesting we call it a night. The rooster will soon crow to announce another long day of travel. I will blog every day internet service is available.

Again, thank you for your generous birthday gift to Jesus. You are making huge impact in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

Peace and God Night,


Friday, January 21, 2011

A Winter Harvest

The ground is cold, desolate and hard. Rain is scarce, worms and other creatures that prepare the soil for seed are in hibernation. The days are short, shaded and brisk. And yet the fields are white and ready for the harvest.

God has been tilling, planting, fertilizing the souls of his people for a bountiful harvest. The seed, the Word of God, has been sown. The fertilizer, prayer, has been nourishing tender , youthful plants. And the gardener, The Holy Spirit, has been pruning in preparation for the fruit to be gathered in.

In the mist of the fierce battle for your soul, many of you have been faithfully working God’s plan. I can tell that many of you are in the Word like never before in your lives. I can tell some of your are praying with more daily fervor. I can tell that you have taken seriously the call to be in a small group. And I can tell that you are beginning to understand that the only way you keep what God has provided, Amazing Grace, is to give it away.

I am excited about what God is doing among us. I sense a Holy Spirit momentum as you are growing up and bringing people with you to worship, small groups, even to serve side by side with you. The best way to win this battle for the soul is a daily submission to the Lord Jesus Christ. So be diligent and continue to practice your spiritual disciplines. Draw close to the Lord and depend on Him in all that you do.

Leigh Ann Roy, Claudia Humphreys, Melissa Hagler and myself will be departing this Sunday evening to continue the good work you have started in Ethiopia. We will pray for you and I ask you do the same for us. Together, equally yoked in Christ….we can help God change the world, in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

I am eager to be with you in Worship this weekend for many reasons; most of all to taste and see first hand the harvest of fruit God is gleaming from your lives.

I love you Church!


P.S. I will blog daily while in Ethiopia and post as internet service allows.