I don’t want to leave the mountain named Camp Wow! Four nights in a row we have witnessed God move in powerful ways in worship. Four days in a row we have witnessed the Great Potter working to shape and mold young lives in a yet to be finished word. Four days in a row we have witnessed adults sent here to be a blessing getting Wowed by God with a blessing themselves.
I am encouraged. The Church has a future because even now the Holy Spirit is preparing leaders to carry on the legacy of faith and assume the mantle of leadership. I have never been more convinced that Children and Youth ministry is two of the most important things that we do. We can cannot invest to much creativity, time, financial and human resources into these two areas.
Sacrifices must be made by the whole body to adequately resource and fund children and youth ministries. Our students are not our only our future, they are our present reality. They need Jesus. They need to know that somebody cares. They need to know that they are wanted, valued and loved by ALL of us. They need to know that when life happens, when parents and the world fails them that God is there. They need to know that the Church, the Body of Christ will not complain or judge that they are to loud, to messy or in the way. By our actions, they need to experience the reality that they are Children of God.
I am committed to the vision and the mission. I invite you to join me in praying, working, serving and giving so that we can reach as many students as we can with the love of Jesus. Will you accept the invitation? Will you join me in making a sacrifice so your children and grandchildren, and your neighbor's children and grandchildren might know the Lord?
I look forward to being with you in worship this weekend. I am praying for you. Please pray for me.