Dear Parents and St. Matthew Family,
156 students and 50 adults are coming back from Camp Wow as different people. That is what happens when you have a face to face encounter with Jesus Christ, but the real work has just begun.
Will you honor the promise you made when some of these kids were baptized to do what ever it takes to help them know and grow in Jesus? Will you made good on our purpose statement by providing all of them, young and old opportunities to become disciples? Will you say yes to being part of these vital ministries when your name is called?
Parents, will you get serious about reading the bible and praying as a family? Will you submit yourself to a small group so you can grow in the Lord? Will you lead by example so that he seeds grown at Camp can be nurtured and fed? Will you make every effort to have your family in worship EVERY weekend? That’s right, every weekend. Not once a month, not every once in a while, not when their ball team is not playing, but every weekend come to worship.
Church Family, are you willing to make adjustments in your own worship schedule to make sure these kids have a place to praise God and bring their parents? Are you willing to sacrifice time, money and energy to make sure these kids have the space to grow in their relationship with the Lord? Are you willing to pitch in so we can raise up strong disciples who can carry on the work of Jesus after we have joined Jesus in heaven?
Thank you to everyone who is already putting it all on the line for the Lord week after week. You are making a difference. More than ever I understand by your example that our ability to make a huge impact for the kingdom is not limited by space, money or time. We are no longer going to be waiting on a new building to go where God has been leading us. God made it very clear to me while at Camp that the time is now and it begins with our children and youth.
Together, united by a love for God and the Lordship of Christ, the Holy Spirit will lead us to claim the promise that has been ours since the beginning, changing the world for Jesus and it start with our students.
Let’s do it!!