The presence of the Lord is very evident at Camp WOW. Over 300 campers, half of them from St. Matthew, and 50 adults have zeroed in on the Salvation plan of God. They are worshipping with reckless abandon, openly sharing in small groups and joyfully playing all of the available games.
The temperature is hot and the ground dry, but God is good. The nights are short and the days are long, but God is good. The bunks are small and the food is… get the picture, but God is good! Some are sunburned and a few have a touch of homesickness, but even then God is good and spirits are high.
Parents, be proud of your kids because they are doing awesome. Spouses, your mates are wowing everyone with their Christ like mentoring skills. Our young adults are carrying on the legacy by leading and teaching the juniors in the ways of the Lord. And notice the number of your church family that are serving in leadership capacities.
Bonnie Schechter: Co- Camp director and Curriculum Coordinator
Chris Bohon, Andrew Dolan, Chris Kerr, Alexis Tate and Tony Swindall: Music
Julie Mason and Stephanie Prewitt: Junior Creative Expressions
Jim Perkey and Mike Richey: Senior High Recreation
Christi Lachman: Camp Nurse
Holly Fort: Power Point design and implementation
Leslie Lummus: Worship Coordinator
And then out of the blue, Kae Embry invited her Jesus painter friend , Lance Brown, to share his gift during worship and you would not believe the impact of his art. Pam Gellerup is working quietly behind the scenes as "our girl Friday" taking care of last minute details and I could go on and on and on. No doubt I am leaving somebody out but there are so many to name and EVERYONE is performing and serving at a very HIGH level. Praise be to God!
I know I am bias, but I am humbled to see the spiritual maturity, and commitment of our students and leadership team. Please pray that young and old will encounter Jesus at Camp and return home a little more transformed into his image.
I am still praying for you. I hope you are doing the same for me.