"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son." What was God doing? Communicating! God took the initiative to communicate the measure of His love for humanity and all of Creation.
Listening is an important part of communication and as we have listened to those who call St. Matthew home, we understand we need to get better at communicating. We ceased publicizing the newsletter in 2008 because only a small percentage were reading it and the production costs were escalating. Staff reductions and the rewriting of job descriptions left us without a point person to drive communications.
The E Newsletter you just received ( click here to read) is our new communication strategy that will be will be driven by church wide news the whole body needs to know. Alan Mink and Judy Gilbert will assume leadership on executing the plan.
I encourage you to use your own mediums to communicate with your small groups and ministries regarding meeting times, schedule changes etc. We will supplement your efforts as we can, but our church communication strategy will focus on matters of mission interest for the whole.
Please help us spread the word about our new approach to communicating all that God is doing in our midst. We are a multi generational church with diverse communication styles but working together we can more than meet the challenge of keeping each other informed as we strive to glorify God and share the love and grace of Jesus Christ with as many people as we can.
Side note, please continue to pray for God’s guidance as we process how to add a second contemporary worship service to our Sunday morning schedule. We are reevaluating our entire approach of connecting with people and their experience from the moment they drive into the parking lot until they drive out. We hope to communicate the first outline of a plan by August with implementation in October of this year.
I am praying for you and I ask that you pray for me.