Wednesday, February 2, 2011

7:15 PM Addis Ethiopia

Hello from 75 and mild Ethiopia to cold and iced in St. Matthew family. Remember, though the electric power may be low we have more than enough Holy Spirit power to take care of all our needs.

We had a great day and are about to rush for the airport for a three hour wait and then a 24 hour trip. The next time we have contact will be in weekend worship. I can’t wait! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. We will be looking for ways to give you complete reports on what God did on our church wide journey. You are going to be amazed at the impact you are having.

So stay warm church family and let’s get ready to give God some great praise this weekend! We are a richly blessed people and the best is yet to come.



"I thank my God everytime I think of you."  Philippians 1:3

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

10:45 PM Addis Ethiopia

I am one proud pastor! I have watched Melissa grow into an even mightier and more effective leader as she spoke with confidence to some of the most infential women in Ethiopia. Claudia took her oratory skills to a whole new level as she taught pastors wives about their spritual giftedness. . Leigh Ann’s servant heart doubled in size as she poured her life into people who simply needed to be cared for and nurtured.

And you, we, the people of St. Matthew are more and more beginning to get it. God has taken your birthday gift to Jesus and multiplied it like the loaves and fishes. No exaggeration, thousands will be fed as pastors and wives take the spiritual food you have provided and feed their own congregations. Basketfuls will be left over to feed the lost who need to know Jesus. Even as Egyptian protesters challenge the status quo, I sense these women and men of God are going to do the same in the Ethiopian church. Get ready for an uprising among these people because they are eager to see the church be who she was intended to be.

I am humbled to be part of church that is literally being used by God to transform his Church to the “ends of the earth.”

Tomorrow , Wednesday will include a half day of training, closing worship, packing, eating and then to the airport to wait for our 11:00 PM outbound flight. We are all hoping and praying that weather allows us to land on time safe and sound on Thursday 2:00 pm CST.  By the way, the high today was 75, low was 62.

Though I will miss this beautiful country and the passion of these growing leaders, I am ready to come home. Can’t want to see my beautify bride and walk through the door of my own home!  And athen there will be worship with my own Church Family. God is good!!

We are a blessed people and I am a very proud pastor.

I love you all.
