Thursday, May 8, 2014

Connecting Generations

For the next 4 weeks, you will be hearing and seeing much about our next Campus Development construction project and Connecting Generations capital funds campaign.  God has spoken, the vision is clear, the need is great, and the time has come to act.

Those in worship last weekend received a trifold brochure describing the need, the timeline, description of the project, estimated costs and a request to pray asking God …“Lord, what do you want to accomplish through me as it relates to Your will for this church?”   If you were out of town or serving down the hall when the brochures were distributed, rest easy, one will soon arrive in your mailbox.

God cast this vision for our church body over 25 years ago. Some of you may remember we were on the cusp of building similar space plus a 1500 seat worship space seven years ago when the Great Recession shook the economic foundations of our proud nation and our own church family. The project was postponed, and we began to make the needed financial adjustments to our budget so we might live within our means.

To be transparent, even before the Great Recession, I was not at peace with the timing and scope of the project itself.  Today, I am completely at peace and confident the project and the time are not only right, it is God’s perfect timing and plan.

I woke up in the middle of the night June 2013. No person or situation was particularly on my mind, but I sensed the very clear urge that I needed to pray.  I went to my prayer place, took my rosary in hand and began to meditate on the power of the cross and the love of God.  I did not hear a voice speak, but it was as clear as the voice Ray heard in the movie Field of Dreams. “It is time.” 

 I walked into the office later that morning and told Allan…”It is time to call our architect and see if we can modify our existing plans and build additional children’s and community space.” Session met the next night, and I told them the same thing. Shortly thereafter, I shared the same with the Executive Leadership Team and then the entire staff. 

Much has happened since God awakened me that June summer night, but the message remains clear while the need is even greater.  It is time to Connect Generations, past, present and future, to each other and more importantly to Jesus.

Please pray. Please read every piece of information that comes your way. Please attend your next small group meeting and watch the video that will help give you get a better understanding and picture of what is about to happen. If you are not in a small group, please use the Connection Tear off in worship this weekend to sign up and attend a onetime gathering to learn more about the project.  We are not using or paying an outside consultant. We have a team of laity from our own church family who are leading this endeavor to Connect Generations to Jesus and each other.  

Many, young and old are coming to Christ. Disciples are being made. The love of God is healing hurts, habits and hang-ups. “It is time.” It is time to take another bold step in our purpose to glorify God and share the love and grace of Jesus with as many people as we can. Connected to God and each other we can. Connected to God and each other we will.

Thank you for loving God and your church.
Humble and proud to serve as one of your pastors,
